Hydropower Solutions by EOMAP – at HYDRO 2024

Monitoring flushing activities by satellite data - shown on the HYPOS | eoApp dashboard

Hydropower solutions by EOMAP at HYDRO 24 in Graz, Austria

The international hydropower industry will meet at HYDRO 2024 at Messe Congress Graz (MCG), Austria from the 18 – 20 November, 2024. Access the full conference programme here.

Meet EOMAP’s water quality team at the Bavaria booth! Let them walk you through the eoapp HYPOS – an online toolset for dam designers and reservoir managers. It enables a panoptic view on key water quality parameters of a reservoir or the assessment of an entire river system.

Register for free at eoapp HYPOS to experience the hands-on toolset for the hydropower industry or get in touch via email to wq[at]eomap.de!

Technology, Innovations and Use Cases

📍State-of-the-art Satellite-Derived Water Quality Monitoring
📍Understanding sediment transport or discharge, seasonal and regional patterns
📍Demo tour of our award-winning cloud processing solutions: eoapp AQUA
📍Use cases from across the world
📍Solutions for coastal monitoring and impact assessment of natural hazards.

portrait Karin Schenk - EOMAP
Karin Schenk - Head of Water Quality EOMAP
portrait of Fabian von Trentini, Innovation Manager at EOMAP
Fabian von Trentini, Innovation Manager at EOMAP

For further questions, please get in touch with our colleagues:

Karin Schenk – Head of Water Quality or with
Dr. Fabian Trentini – Innovations Manager

Meet our colleagues at

  • Fabian’s conference talk
  • or our booth #22 from 18 – 20 November!

They will gladly outline how satellite-based information on hydropower or drinking water reservoirs can enhance your work.

Banja hydropower reservoir shown by the eoApp by EOMAP
Turbidity in the Banja hydropower reservoir as shown by the eoapp HYPOS