An integrated solution: Our Shallow Water Services provide valuable information for coastal engineers and modelers, they ensure profound knowledge for uncharted or outdated areas in hydrographic maps or help to conceive some of the most precious ecosystems of our planet.

Don’t get your feet wet: Access to unpolluted drinking water is a future key challenge, rivers are under increasing pressure caused by sewage discharge and inland navigation and governmental agencies are obliged to assess and report the state of countless lakes. Our harmonized, high-resolution Inland Water Quality Monitoring Services are the key to a better understanding of cause and effect relationships.

Hot-spots of biodiversity: Gathering data on coastal habitats and benthic cover, water pollution or algae blooms is vital for the protection of valuable ecosystems and biocenoses, within the context of coastal infrastructure projects or impacts of climate change. Our habitat mapping services provide detailed insights even into the most remote habitats.

Make use of the third dimension: Hydrodynamic modelling is key to every planning phase of coastal and marine construction and coastal zone management and EOMAP’s solution offers you a gridded, seamless dataset of land and sea elevation information.

An entire atlas in one URL: EOMAP’s portals are your gateway to benefit from the recent advances in geospatial information, anytime, anywhere using easy to use web apps.

Be your own data provider: We deliver state-of-the art software solutions to customers who wish to perform sophisticated processes in-house. Our solutions help you manage often very complex models and workflows – without having in-depth scientific understanding.