HYPOS – an innovation project lead by EOMAP – has received the EARSC Partnership Award 2022. At the BELvue Museum in Brussels the new portal for satellite-based sediment management was celebrated for the best partnership project of the year. The jury who selected HYPOS for the award involves 14 renowned earth observation experts involving industry, ESA, World Bank and the European Commission.
In the HYPOS project, EOMAP leads an international consortium and closely cooperates with partners from CNR (Italy), NTNU (Norway) and SMHI (Sweden) and Gruner-Stucky (Switzerland).
Sedimentation ranges among the top problems in reservoir management. Using smart tools hydropower managers and dam designers can easily access key hydrological and water parameters. High-resolution satellite analytics are combined with auxiliary data – such as modelling and in-situ data. HYPOS offers access to all reservoirs or river catchments in the world.
Thus, the new toolbox for hydropower planners and managers is considered as a gateway to more efficient sediment management. All in all, the portal is designed to streamline planning, management and monitoring routines – while ensuring sustainable decision-making of hydropower stakeholders.
Read more about HYPOS here.
And here is more information about the EARSC awards.