North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission (NIOHC), Oman
EOMAP is participating at another great hydrographic commission meeting taking place from 25 - 28 March 2019 in Muscat, Oman. More information will follow soon.
Ocean Business 2019, Southampton/UK
EOMAP is exhibiting again. You find us at stand K7. About Ocean Business 2019: Ocean technology & training forum. Ocean Business combines the traditional exhibition stand with opportunity for delegates to attend 200+ hours of training & demonstration workshops providing first hand knowledge of the equipment & systems on the market.
SDB Day 2019, Australia
SDB Day 2019, an international Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Technology and User Forum, will be hosted by EOMAP Australia and will take place on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland in Australia, at the Mantra Mooloolaba Beach Resort on May 14-16, 2019.
International Symposium on “Digital Platforms for Maritime Safety and Security Applications “
Forum Fischbahnhof Am Schaufenster 6, BremerhavenEOMAP will be present at booth 11. We're looking forward to welcoming you there. The symposium will focus on the following application areas: Digitalisation in marine traffic monitoring, management and logistics Critical maritime infrastructures in ports and waterway Security challenges on coastal and offshore installations Digital platforms and services for environmental monitoring and protection Communication needs for advanced safety and security infrastructure Cyber-Risk-Management Digitalisation and System Engineering, Certification and Resilience Testbeds for marine applications and research Foresight Panel A detailed conference programme will become available in due course. Visit for updates. Please register (free of charge) under
Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2020, Québec City/Canada
The CHC is a biennial conference hosted by the CHA alternating with the Hydrographic Society of America’s (THSOA) US Hydrographic Conference. These two events are the premier Hydrographic conferences in North America. EOMAP representative Dr. Knut Hartmann will talk on Tuesday, February 25, in Room 2000A at 10:45 a.m.: Towards monitoring of shallow waters for higher latitudes regions In this presentation we will focus on highlighting current methods and tools being deployed towards the ambition to map and monitor the shallow water environment in higher latitudes: this includes (1) the automatic selection of satellite data recordings which allow for SDB analysis. We introduce machine learning methods for this task. (2) Smart tasking of very-high resolution satellite data. We present methods to increase the likelihood of recording commercial, very-high resolution satellite data. (3) SDB calculation and shoreline mapping. We present highly automated SDB data processors, together with, results of the physics-based light inversion and simultaneous multi-image analysis. And finally (4) we demonstrate of how all these procedures can be embedded in an operational cloud environment, controlled and managed through a web interface.
Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus 2020, Berlin
Für die Fernerkundung und Copernicus im Speziellen öffnen sich neue Dimensionen. 2020 tritt die neue EU Weltraumverordnung in Kraft – die Rechtsgrundlage des Copernicus-Programms für weitere sieben Jahre. Dies bedeutet gleichzeitig auch eine Finanzierungssicherheit und Planbarkeit für alle beteiligten und zukünftigen Akteure. Gemeinsam mit dem Programmbeschluss der ESA Ministerratskonferenz Ende 2019 werden somit die Weichen für die Weiterentwicklung des ambitionierten Erdbeobachtungsprogramms gestellt, welches für Deutschland ein wichtiger Baustein der strategischen Autonomie Europas ist.