Digitaler Staat – Berlin – Katastrophen vermeiden

bcc Berlin Berlin, Germany

Speziell fĂĽr Gewässer- und Umweltbehörden halten wir auf Einladung von Planet einen Workshop im Kontext "Digitales Umweltmonitoring - wie Dank Satellitendaten und Umweltanalysen Katastrophen vermieden werden können". Die Besucher:innen der Konferenz "Der Digitale Staat" sind herzlich eingeladen, zu sehen: wie Satellitendaten ihre tägliche Arbeit erleichtern können, welche Gewässerdaten sie damit besser im Blick behalten als mit herkömmlichen Ăśberwachungsmethoden wie valide die Daten aus dem All sind und wo damit bereits gute Erfahrungen gemacht wurden.  

IHO Assembly – Monaco

Grimaldi Forum Monte Carlo, Monaco

EOMAP will participate with a stand at the industry exhibition on occasion of the IHO Assembly in Monaco. Meet Mona Reithmeier and Knut Hartmann and discuss, how satellite-derived data can support hydrographic surveys. They will be glad to give you a demo of version #2 of SDB-Online - the App for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry.

Australian Space Forum

The Forum in the Adelaide Convention Centre provides the perfect opportunity to stimulate ideas, share information about emerging technologies and network with influential space sector leaders and the broader community. Meet our Australian colleagues there! You are welcome to reach out to Magnus Wettle or Emily Twiggs anytime: or

Seminar für Umwelt- und Gesundheitsbehörden

Schloss Seefeld Schlosshof 4, Seefeld, Bavaria, Germany

Satellitendaten clever nutzen Unsere Seen sind sowohl wertvolle Lebensräume für Flora und Fauna als auch attraktive Freizeitgewässer. Deshalb tragen Behörden große Verantwortung: Sie sollen die Natur bewahren und die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier an Gewässern schützen. Monitoring mit Satellitendaten kann sie dabei bestens unterstützen. Wie können Verantwortliche in Behörden Umwelteinflüsse einfach beobachten und bewerten? Wie Gesundheitsrisiken frühzeitig erkennen? Wie lassen sich Messprogramme im Einklang mit EU-Richtlinien optimieren? (WRRL, Badegewässer) Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen zur Überwachung von Stehgewässern erhalten Sie in diesem Seminar im Schloss Seefeld. Mehr Informationen zu Inhalten und Anmeldung sind hier.

Hydro 2023 – Edinburgh

HYDRO 2023 is an International Conference and Exhibition for the Hydropower Industry. This time, it will take place at the Edinburgh International Congress Centre, Scotland from the 16 - 18 October, 2023. Meet EOMAP's water quality team at the booth. Let them walk you through the eoApp Hydropower - an online toolset for dam designers and reservoir managers. It allows you to have a panoptic view on key water quality parameters of a reservoir or entire river system. Please get in touch to for a meeting or further details.

Hydro 23 – Hydrographic Conference

Meet EOMAP's experts on satellite-derived bathymetry on occasion of the HYDRO 23 conference hosted by the Italian Hydrographic Society (IHS) from 7th to 9th November, 2023 in Genoa, Italy. Get in touch for more via email to

Oceanology International 2024, London/UK

Oceanology International 2024 London Meet the EOMAP team from 12th - 14th March 2024 at booth H450. Simply register here! Held in London, Oceanology International (OI) has become the world leading ocean technology exhibition and conference. Every edition, OI brings together the latest technologies and thought leaders worldwide and attracts visitors from a variety of industries, including offshore, maritime defence and marine renewables. Meet our coastal team at stand H450.  Make sure, you ask for a demo of SDB-ONLINE - the new web app for shallow water bathymetry. Some call it "a game changer for coastal engineering or hydrographic surveys". In addition, we'll be launching our newest online solution, the eoApp Aqua - a web app for monitoring coastal and inland waters. Meet our team and see how satellite-based information on water depth, coastal changes and water quality can enhance your project work: Mona Reithmeier - Product Manager SDB-Online Dr. Kim Knauer - Project and Innovation Manager Dr. Knut Hartmann - COO Dr. Thomas Heege - CEO We look forward to seeing you in London!

UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024, Barcelona/Spain

UN Ocean Decade Conference Meet EOMAP from 10 - 12th April 2024 in Barcelona. EOMAP will present at the UN Ocean Decade Conference on 10-12 April! The event will cover the full range of Ocean Decade Challenges including critical issues such as climate change, food security, sustainable management of biodiversity, sustainable ocean economy, pollution, and natural hazards. Knut Hartmann will provide an oral presentation on 11th April for the “Challenge 8 Create a digital representation of the ocean”. We will present on the contribution of our global coastal bathymetry project which we are working on with the partners from Deltares and Ggsgc. We look forward to meeting the global community and work towards “Delivering the science we need for the ocean we want” Meet our team and see how satellite-based information on water depth, coastal changes and water quality can enhance your project work: Mona Reithmeier - Product Manager SDB-Online Dr. Knut Hartmann - COO EOMAP We look forward to seeing you in Spain!

Planet On The Road – Berlin

Meet EOMAP at the Planet "On the Road" event in Germany (and the U) On 22 May 2024 in Berlin Planet and many German stakeholders dive into geospatial topics and applications around the world. We're proud to sponsor the two events. Here is a wrap-up of the Berlin-event on 22 May. There, Dr. Rainer Ressl, BD Manager at EOMAP showcased how satellite-based information on water depth, coastal changes and water quality can enhance water-related projects around the world. At the US-event in Washington D.C., you will meet our colleague, Edward Albada, Principal of EOMAP Americas & Caribbean. For further questions, please get in touch with us!