HYPOS Commercial Leaflet

Sediment Management from Space

HYPOS is a new toolbox for efficient sediment management in the hydropower industry. For offering a wholistic view on (hydropower and drinking water) reservoirs, the smart online solution combines satellite with modelling and in situ data. Within few mouse clicks, it allows to efficiently manage one of the key cost drivers in waterpower: sedimentation.

After the successful finalization of this EU co-funded project the commercial leaflet has now been launched. It includes

📍 an introduction to the HYPOS concept
📍 two factsheets for hydropower design and operation
📍 description of the key products of the tool, such as Chlorophyll a, turbidity, harmful algae blooms (HAB), or surface temperature.
📍 as well as an overview of the satellite sensors
📍 and the modelling data used.

Click on the image to download the HYPOS Commercial Leaflet.

From now on, HYPOS will be marketed by EOMAP’s water quality team. Please get in touch for a free trial account.

💡 Hydropower stakeholders benefit from satellite-based and hydrological information by significant information gain and decision support. The HYPOS toolbox is highly relevant for dam design and operation processes.

EOMAP has developed this multi-source online-solution together with its Consortium partners Gruner Stucky Ltd. (Switzerland), NTNU (Norway), SMHI (Sweden) and CNR (Italy).

More details:

Please read and learn more about the project here.
For a free trial account to HYPOS, please get in touch with the EOMAP Water Quality Team via Email
Stay tuned and follow EOMAP on Linked in

Welcome to the HYPOS portal - a toolbox for satellite-based sediment management
graphic on sediment traps in Mekong
Reuters graphic showing the sediment trapped by hydropower dams along the Mekong River Basin
Monitoring flushing activities by satellite data - shown on the HYPOS | eoApp dashboard
Monitoring flushing activities on the Rhône river by satellite data - shown on the HYPOS | eoApp dashboard
EARSC Awards 22 ceremony at the BELvue Museum, Brussels
The Ceremony in Brussels - BELvue Museum, where HYPOS received the Partnership award in 2022.
Banja hydropower reservoir shown by the eoApp by EOMAP
Turbidity in the Banja hydropower reservoir as shown by the eoapp HYPOS
HYPOS - a toolbox for hydropower management | sediment management - infographic
The infographic explains the concept of HYPOS - a new toolbox for hydropower management | sediment management