
Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2024 - key visual
SDB Day 2024 – Workshop at CHC, Canada
SDB Day on 27 May 2024 at CHC in Canada The Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC) took place from 27 - 30 May 2024 in St. John's, Newfoundland. This year's conference...
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eoapp AQUA – neue App fĂĽr Wasserqualität
Pressemitteilung eoapp AQUA: Wasserqualität via Satelliten überwachen Die neue App bringt erheblichen Informations- und Zeitgewinn für Behörden und Industrie. Die globale Erwärmung belastet die Gewässer weltweit stark. Gleichzeitig steigt die...
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eoapp AQUA – new water quality app launched
Press release Launch of eoapp AQUA: Monitoring Water Quality from Space The newly launched online solution by EOMAP provides significant information and time gains for authorities and industry. While global...
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Caicos- Turks - SDB with satellite image overlay
EOMAP at the Ocean Decade Conference 2024
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EOMAP presents the global bathymetry project at the Ocean Decade Conference in Spain Session 3 / Challenge 8 will cover a Digital Representation of the Ocean. EOMAP will present at...
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Header Webinar Gesundheitsrisiken
Badeseen ĂĽberwachen – Webinar fĂĽr Gesundheitsbehörden
Satelliten liefern mittlerweile immer bessere Daten zu Wasserqualität, wie Sichttiefe, Trübung oder Algenblüten-Indikatoren – nahezu tagesaktuell und in sehr hoher räumlicher Auflösung. Somit kann Fernerkundung die Gewässerüberwachung erheblich erleichtern und...
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infographic of the BLUE-X project: for accelerating offshore renewables using EO data
Projektstart BLUE-X: Stärkung erneuerbarer Offshore-Energieprojekte
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Pressemitteilung BLUE-X-Projekt zur Stärkung der Energiewende angelaufen: Satellitengestützte Lösung soll erneuerbare Offshore-Energieprojekte beschleunigen. Sieben europäische Partner, darunter Spezialisten für erneuerbare Offshore-Energie und Erdbeobachtung, arbeiten im Projekt BLUE-X zusammen. Unter der...
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infographic of the BLUE-X project: for accelerating offshore renewables using EO data
BLUE-X kicked off: Earth Observation Data for Offshore Renewables
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Press release Harvesting Earth Observation data for offshore renewables: BLUE-X project kicked off to speed up the energy transition.  Seven European partners, including offshore renewable energy and Earth Observation specialists,...
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A map showing bathymetry of the Danish Depth Model - Denmark's shallow waters.
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Danish shallow waters
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Press release European cooperation on satellite mapping The Danish Geodata Agency and EOMAP will join efforts in mapping the shallow waters of Denmark. Nørresundby (DK) / Seefeld (D) - By...
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Global shallow water bathymetry for Mercator Ocean
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Press release Mercator Ocean International contracts EOMAP to provide global shallow water bathymetry for the Copernicus Marine Service. Deltares and GGS Geo Consultancy team up with EOMAP to foster European...
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COP28-event: Space-based Solutions for Coastal Zones
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How satellite-based knowledge benefits coastal zones This topic was at the centre of our event at COP28 in Dubai. In 90 minutes Rahul Sidharth, EOMAP’s Director for the Middle East,...
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