Shoals Database


The shoals database represents geo-located, vectorized shallow water zones. In contrast to nautical charts, it is based on the analysis of a multi-year time series of satellite data records. This inclues approximately 500 satellite records per coordinate. The data are especially valuable within areas not sufficiently charted – typically know as Zones of Confidence (ZOC) B or worse. In addition, these satellite-based data are helpful where chart soundings can have position accuracies and offsets of multiple tens to hundreds of meters and a full seafloor survey has not been performed, yet.

EOMAP’s shoals database can reveal these hidden dangers and identify stay-away areas which have not been charted or are falsely located. This is illustrated by the example of the grounding of the motor tanker PAZIFIK in 2018.

EOMAP’s shoals database can be accessed as GIS ready dataset or as ENC overlay.

Advantages at a glance

  • Immediate access to geo-located shoals and potential hazards for navigation in insufficiently charted areas.
  • Reduction of risks of navigation and optimised route planning.
  • Baseline dataset to prioritize charting updates.

Further Reading and Links

Integration of the shoals database in ENC overlays and routing optimisation:


How can I request information for a specific site?
Simply send your area of interest in digital format to our shallow water team or use our contact form. You’ll receive appropriate feedback within 24hours.

What makes EOMAP’s service unique? Why does EOMAP’s data service stand out?
EOMAP’s seafloor classification services have been widely used and validated in practice. Since 2006, we have built up expertise on physics-based remote surveying of shallow waters and deliver around +100 projects per annum. Via various research projects we remain at the forefront of technology. Our clients acknowledge the quality of our data, our extensive background knowledge, the passion for coastal and inland waters plus a high level of service readiness.